Series 2 of 10 – MCMC for Estimation of Gaussian parameters

Biostatistics Bayesian Methods R JAGS/Stan

Run MCMC on binomial model Gaussian distribution, one sample Hierarchical model, two groups of Gaussian observations

Hai Nguyen
January 01, 2022

Review of MCMC: binomial model

The diagram of the model structure: simplest binomial model with conjugate beta prior (adapted from Textbook).

Model description contains 2 parts:

\[y_i \sim \text{Binom} (p = \theta, \ size = 1) \\ \theta \sim \text{Beta}(A_{prior},B_{prior})\]

where \(\theta\) is the unknown probability of success with prior beta distribution with fixed parameters \(A,\ B\).

To check the results of simulation use analytical formulas for posterior distribution: if prior beta distribution has parameters \(A_{prior},B_{prior}\) and the data contain number of successes \(s\),

\[s = \sum_{i=1}^k y_i\]

out of \(k\) observations then posterior beta distribution has parameters

\[A_{post} = A_{prior} + s; \ B_{post} = B_{prior} + k − s\]


Create vector of \(0\) and \(1\) of length \(k=20\) and probability of success \(\theta = 0.6\)

# Y <- rbinom(41, size=1, p=.32)
flips = 41
heads = 13
a <- 10; b <- 10

Recall that Metropolis-Hastings MCMC algorithm consists of the following steps:

Running MCMC

To do that follow the logic:

\[p_{dec} = \frac{p(\theta_{prop} \mid y)}{p(\theta_{curr} \mid y)} = \frac{p(y \mid \theta_{prop}) \ p(\theta_{prop} \mid A, B)}{p(y \mid \theta_{curr}) \ p(\theta_{curr} \mid A, B)} \]

and reject theta_prop with probability $1-p_{dec}$.

metropolis_algorithm <- function(samples, theta_seed, sd){
   theta_curr <- theta_seed
   # Create vector of NAs to store sampled parameters
   posterior_thetas <- rep(NA, times = samples)
   for (i in 1:samples){
      # Typically new proposals are generated from Gaussian distribution centered at the current value 
      # of Markov chain with sufficiently small variance.
      theta_prop <- rnorm(n = 1, mean = theta_curr, sd = sd) # Proposal distribution
      # If the proposed parameter is outside its range then set it equal to its current
      # value. Otherwise keep the proposed value
      theta_prop <- ifelse((theta_prop < 0 | theta_prop > 1), theta_curr, theta_prop)
      # Bayes' numerators
      posterior_prop <- dbeta(theta_prop, shape1 = a, shape2 = b) * dbinom(heads, size = flips, prob = theta_prop)
      posterior_curr <- dbeta(theta_curr, shape1 = a, shape2 = b) * dbinom(heads, size = flips, prob = theta_curr)
      # Calculate probability of accepting
      p_accept_theta_prop <- min(posterior_prop/posterior_curr, 1.0)
      rand_unif <- runif(n = 1)
      # Probabilistically accept proposed theta
      theta_select <- ifelse(p_accept_theta_prop > rand_unif, theta_prop, theta_curr)
      posterior_thetas[i] <- theta_select
      # Reset theta_curr for the next iteration of the loop
      theta_curr <- theta_select

Checking results

posterior_thetas <- metropolis_algorithm(samples = 10000, theta_seed = 0.9, sd = 0.05)

After simulating Markov chain check the results.

Analytical solution

Compare prior parameters and posterior parameters given by formulas

It was due to since the beta distribution is conjugate to the binomial distribution (above), we can see how close our sampled posterior distribution approximates the exact posterior for \(\theta\). Recall that with a \(Beta(10, 10)\) prior and with \(13\) heads in \(41\) flips, the posterior distribution is also beta distributed with \(a = 10+13\) and \(b = 10+(41−13)\). So, let’s overlay the exact posterior distribution on our previous graph also.

opar <- par()
par(mar=c(2.5,3.5,3,2.1), mgp = c(1.7, 1, 0))
d <- density(posterior_thetas)
     main = expression(paste('Kernel Density Plot for ', theta)),
     xlab = expression(theta),
     ylab = 'density',
     yaxt = 'n',
     cex.lab = 1.3
polygon(d, col='dodgerblue1', border='dark blue')

exactb <- rbeta(n = 10000, shape1 = 23, shape2 = 38)
lines(density(exactb),                             # Plot of randomly drawn beta density
     type = 's', col = 'red')

hdi(posterior_thetas, credMass = 0.95)
    lower     upper 
0.2563125 0.4986970 
[1] 0.95

Histograms of accepted and rejected values

Gaussian distribution, one sample: known variance, unknown mean


Simulate single sample from Gaussian distribution with unknown mean \(\theta\) and known standard deviation \(\sigma\).

mu <- 120  
si <- 25
nSample <- 200
Y <- rnorm(nSample, mean = mu, sd = si) <- c(Mean = mu, Sd = si)

FNP approach

Estimate mean of the distribution, check histogram, test hypothesis \(H_0\): \(\mu = 120\) against two-sided alternative \(H_a\): \(\mu \neq 120\).

meanMLE <- mean(Y)
hist(Y, freq = F)


(zStat <- (meanMLE -["Mean"])/(["Sd"]/sqrt(nSample)))
(sSidedP <- pnorm(zStat,lower.tail = F) + pnorm(-zStat,lower.tail = T))

Finally, distribution of the data estimated by FNP:

( <- c(Mean = meanMLE, Sd =["Sd"]))
    Mean    Sd.Sd 
120.5582  25.0000 

Bayesian approach by formula, weak prior

Set the model as \[y_i \sim N(\theta, \sigma)\]

where \(\theta\) is unknown and \(\sigma = 25\).
Set prior distribution for the mean value as low informative Gaussian with parameters \(M = 100\), \(\sigma_{\mu} = 200\), i.e. 

\[ \theta \sim N(M, \sigma_{\mu})\]

M <- 100
priorParamWeak <- c(Mean = M, Sd = 200)

Obtain posterior distribution using formulas for conjugate Gaussian distribution:

\[ \mu_{post} = \frac{\mu_{prior} \gamma_{prior} + \bar{y} \gamma_{data}}{\gamma_{prior} + \gamma_{data}} = \frac{M \gamma_{prior} + \bar{y} \gamma_{data}}{\gamma_{prior} + \gamma_{data}} = M \frac{\gamma_{prior}}{\gamma_{prior} + \gamma_{data}} + \bar{y} \frac{\gamma_{data}}{\gamma_{prior} + \gamma_{data}} \]

\[ \sigma_{post}^2 = \frac{1}{\gamma_{prior} + \gamma_{data}} \]

where \(n\) is the sample size and \(\gamma_{data}\) and \(\gamma_{prior}\) are data precision and prior precision, correspondingly:

\[ \gamma_{data} ; \gamma_{prior} = \frac{1}{\sigma_{\mu}^2} \]

precision_prior <- 1/200^2
precision_data <- nSample/25^2
pSigmasq <- 1/(precision_prior + precision_data)
pSd <- sqrt(pSigmasq)
pMean <- 100*precision_prior*pSigmasq + meanMLE*precision_data*pSigmasq
(posterParamWeak <- c(Mean = pMean, Sd = pSd))
      Mean         Sd 
120.556641   1.767698 

Bayesian estimate is obtained as \(\mu_{post}\) = 120.5566415, showing no compromise between likelihood 120.5582475 and prior 100.

Plot theoretical (simulated), estimated by MLE and estimated by Bayesian analysis densities.

Bayes.dataWeak <- c(posterParamWeak["Mean"],["Sd"])
X <- seq(from = 115, to = 125, by = 1)
plot(X, dnorm(X,[1],[2]),
     type="l", xlab="X", ylab="Density")
lines(X, dnorm(X,meanMLE,si), col="orange", lwd=3)
lines(X, dnorm(X,posterParamWeak[1],si), col="blue")
       legend = c("Theoretical", "MLE", "Bayesian"),
       col = c("black", "orange", "blue"),
       lty = 1)

For the sample length \(200\) and low informative prior Bayesian estimate is very close to MLE in comparison with the prior. In addition standard deviation of the posterior distribution collapsed from \(200\) to 1.7676979.

rbind(,, Bayes.dataWeak)
                     Mean Sd 120.0000 25         120.5582 25
Bayes.dataWeak   120.5566 25
rbind(priorParamWeak, posterParamWeak)
                    Mean         Sd
priorParamWeak  100.0000 200.000000
posterParamWeak 120.5566   1.767698

Bayesian approach by formula, strong prior

Repeat Bayesian analysis with stronger prior \(M = 100, \ \sigma_{\mu} = 2\).

priorParamStrong <- c(Mean = M, Sd = 2)
precision_prior <- 1/2^2
precision_data <- nSample/25^2
pSigmasq <- 1/(precision_prior + precision_data)
pSd <- sqrt(pSigmasq)
pMean <- 100*precision_prior*pSigmasq + meanMLE*precision_data*pSigmasq
posterParamStrong <- c(Mean = pMean, Sd = pSd)
rbind(priorParamStrong, posterParamStrong)
                      Mean       Sd
priorParamStrong  100.0000 2.000000
posterParamStrong 111.5415 1.324532

Bayesian estimate of the mean shifted towards mode of the prior distribution: now the mean of posterior distribution is obtained by 111.5414723

Shift of the lower level parameter towards mode of the higher level parameter is shrinkage.

Using JAGS to estimate mean of normal distribution with known variance


Prepare the data list dataList in the format required by JAGS

dataList <- list("Y" = Y, #data vector
                 "Ntotal" = nSample) # length of the sample

Preparation of the model for JAGS

The model diagram:

Interpretation of the diagram starts from the bottom. Each arrow of the diagram corresponds to a line of description code for the model.

Line 1 of the model describes generation of the data according to the likelihood function: \(y_i \sim N(\mu, \sigma)\).
Line 2 of the model describes generation of the parameter θ from the prior distribution: \(\mu \sim N(M, \sigma_{\mu})\).
In this case parameters of the prior distribution should be defined. For example, like above set \(M = 100, \sigma_{\mu} = 200\).

The format of the model description for JAGS is a string of the form:

model1NormalSample= "
  model { 
    # Description of data
    for (i in 1:Ntotal){
      Y[i] ~ dnorm(mu, 1/sigma^2) #tau = 1/sigma^2
    # Description of prior
    mu ~ dnorm(100 , Ntotal/200^2)
    #tau <- pow(sigma, -2) #JAGS uses precision
    sigma <- 25

Data are described as for loop.
Prior is described as typical formula:
“lower order parameter $\sim$ density(higher order parameters)”.

Note. In JAGS normal distribution is specified with mean value and precision, i.e. instead of $dnorm(\mu, \sigma)$ use $dnorm(\mu, \frac{1}{\sigma^2})$.

Note that variables names for the data and data length Y, nSample in the description have to match the names of the data list.

The next step of preparation of the model description for JAGS is saving it to a temporary text file Tempmodel.txt.

writeLines(model1NormalSample, con="Tempmodel.txt")

Initializing Markov chains

To initialize trajectories define a list of lists with several values or create a function that returns an init value every time it is called.
JAGS will call this function when it starts a new chain.

General syntax of initiation function is:

initsList<-function() {
  # Definition of mu and sigma Init
  m <- mean(Y)*(1+upDown*.05)
  list(mu = m)

For example, select starting point from normal distribution centered at MLE with some reasonable standard deviation.

Check how initiation works by running the function several times.

[1] 126.5862

Sending information to JAGS

Next step is getting all information to JAGS using jags.model() from library rjags.
This function transfers the data, the model specification and the initial values to JAGS and requests JAGS to select appropriate sampling method.

jagsModel <- jags.model(file = "TempModel.txt", data = dataList, n.chains = 3, n.adapt = 500)
Compiling model graph
   Resolving undeclared variables
   Allocating nodes
Graph information:
   Observed stochastic nodes: 200
   Unobserved stochastic nodes: 1
   Total graph size: 211

Initializing model

In jags.model parameter n.chains specifies the number of chains to run (defaults to 1) and parameter n.adapt sets the number of steps JAGS can take to tune the sampling method (defaults to 1000).

The object returned by jags.model contains all information that we need to communicate to JAGS about the problem in the format suitable for JAGS.

Running MCMC in JAGS: burn in and main run

Now run JAGS chains for 600 steps to complete burn in, i.e. transition to a stable distribution of Markov chain.


After completing burn in generate MCMC trajectories representing the posterior distribution for the model.

codaSamples <- coda.samples(jagsModel, variable.names=c("mu"), n.iter = 3334)
[1] "mu"
Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) output:
Start = 601 
End = 607 
Thinning interval = 1 
[1,] 122.0174
[2,] 120.6580
[3,] 121.8346
[4,] 121.1977
[5,] 122.0095
[6,] 123.1905
[7,] 121.9572

Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) output:
Start = 601 
End = 607 
Thinning interval = 1 
[1,] 118.4939
[2,] 118.1665
[3,] 119.8600
[4,] 123.0622
[5,] 119.9395
[6,] 121.2756
[7,] 120.5576

Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) output:
Start = 601 
End = 607 
Thinning interval = 1 
[1,] 118.0154
[2,] 121.2776
[3,] 119.6511
[4,] 119.7407
[5,] 119.4734
[6,] 121.0419
[7,] 121.6894

[1] "mcmc.list"

Besides the model specification object coda.samples() takes a vector of character strings corresponding to the names of parameters to record variable.names and the number of iterations to run n.iter.
In this example there are 3 chains, to the total number of iterations will be about 10,000.
Use function list.samplers to show the samplers applied to the model.

Analyzing convergence

Analyze convergence of chains using following tools:

  1. Summary

Iterations = 601:3934
Thinning interval = 1 
Number of chains = 3 
Sample size per chain = 3334 

1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
   plus standard error of the mean:

          Mean             SD       Naive SE Time-series SE 
     120.21874        1.74212        0.01742        0.01764 

2. Quantiles for each variable:

 2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5% 
116.9 119.0 120.2 121.4 123.6 
  1. Traceplot



  1. Autocorrelation and effective size


The ESS number is consistent with the autocorrelation function.

  1. Shrink factor
Potential scale reduction factors:

   Point est. Upper C.I.
mu          1       1.01

Analyzing and interpreting the results

  1. Find the mean values and standard deviations of posterior distributions corresponding to different chains and compare them with MLE:
chainMeans <- lapply(codaSamples,function(z) mean(z))
chainSd <- lapply(codaSamples,function(z) sd(z))
rbind(Means = chainMeans, SD = chainSd)
      [,1]     [,2]     [,3]    
Means 120.1994 120.2765 120.1803
SD    1.752507 1.755037 1.717595

Compare the posterior densities generated by 3 chains with analytical posterior distribution:

[1] 112.8358
[1] 127.7117

     col="black",lwd=2,ylab="Distribution Density",xlab="Theta")

Hierarchical model: two groups of Gaussian observations

Consider now two groups of Gaussian observations with unknown means \(\mu_1, \mu_2\) and same known standard deviation \(\sigma = 25\).


Create data, prepare them for JAGS.
Keep the first group sample as in the previous section: theoretical mean 120 and theoretical known standard deviation 25.
Simulate second sample with the same standard deviation and theoretical mean 150.
Combine both samples together and add second column containing group number.

Y2 <- rnorm(nSample, mean = 150, sd = 25)
Y2 <- rbind(cbind(Y, rep(1, nSample)), cbind(Y2, rep(2, nSample)))
colnames(Y2) <- c("y","s")
den1 <- density(subset(Y2,Y2[,2]==1)[,1])
den2 <- density(subset(Y2,Y2[,2]==2)[,1])
plot(den1$x, den1$y, type="l", ylim=c(0,.02))
lines(den2$x, den2$y, col="blue")

The sample from both groups now is Y2.

Create data for JAGS.

y <- Y2[,"y"]
s <- Y2[,"s"]
nSample <- length(y)
nGr <- length(unique(s))
dataList <- list(y = y, s = s, nSample = nSample, nGr = nGr)
[1] "y"       "s"       "nSample" "nGr"    

Different mean values, common weak prior

In this section consider model structure with common weak prior for mean values of both groups.
Think about situations in which common prior is a reasonable assumption.

The model diagram convenient for coding it in JAGS or Stan looks like.

An equivalent diagram may help understanding difference between hierarchical model of random effects and non-hierarchical model of fixed effects.

Select hyper-parameters of the common prior normal distribution as in the previous section: \(M=100, \ \sigma_{\mu}=200\).

Model description

Prepare the model string.
The difference from one-group data description is that now prior distribution for \(\mu\) is described in a loop over all groups.

model2NormalSample= "
  model { 
    # Description of data
    for (i in 1:nSample){
      y[i] ~ dnorm(mu[s[i]], 1/sigma^2) #tau = 1/sigma^2
    # Description of prior
    #mu[1:nGr] <- c(100,100)
    for (j in 1:nGr) {      
      mu[j] ~ dnorm(M, nSample/sigma_mu^2) 
    sigma <- 25
    M <- 100
    sigma_mu <- 200
writeLines(model2NormalSample, con="Tempmodel2.txt")

Initialization and sending the model to JAGS

Initialize chains randomly around MLE.

initsList<-function() {
  # Definition of mu and sigma Init
   theta <- vector()
   for (i in 1:nGr){
      theta[i] <- mean(Y2[which(s==i)],)*(1+upDown*.05)
  list(theta = theta)
# Check initiation
[1] 126.5862 159.6764

Send the model to JAGS.

Set main parameters:

jagsModel2 <- jags.model(file = "data/Tempmodel2.txt", data = dataList, n.chains = 3, n.adapt = 500)
Compiling model graph
   Resolving undeclared variables
   Allocating nodes
Graph information:
   Observed stochastic nodes: 400
   Unobserved stochastic nodes: 2
   Total graph size: 813

Initializing model

Running the model

Run burn in by using update().

update(jagsModel2, n.iter = 600)

Make the main run by using coda.samples().

parameters <- c("mu")
nIter <- 10000
codaSamples2Groups1Prior = coda.samples(jagsModel2,
                                        variable.names = parameters,
                                        n.iter = nIter)
Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) output:
Start = 601 
End = 607 
Thinning interval = 1 
        mu[1]    mu[2]
[1,] 118.6467 149.0570
[2,] 122.5462 151.6248
[3,] 118.8301 145.8869
[4,] 120.6572 150.9358
[5,] 121.1533 146.9245
[6,] 119.5723 151.1555
[7,] 121.0751 151.1671

Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) output:
Start = 601 
End = 607 
Thinning interval = 1 
        mu[1]    mu[2]
[1,] 122.9129 151.3536
[2,] 120.3069 147.1769
[3,] 115.7560 151.4156
[4,] 120.6509 149.5604
[5,] 117.8543 151.9259
[6,] 118.6829 154.2494
[7,] 119.4651 151.7435

Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) output:
Start = 601 
End = 607 
Thinning interval = 1 
        mu[1]    mu[2]
[1,] 118.0450 149.2746
[2,] 119.8209 149.0857
[3,] 125.1278 151.2497
[4,] 116.9475 150.0177
[5,] 117.3252 150.1579
[6,] 118.6826 148.6312
[7,] 120.5690 152.0444

[1] "mcmc.list"
[1] "mu[2]"

[1] "mu[1]"


Analyze convergence.


Iterations = 601:10600
Thinning interval = 1 
Number of chains = 3 
Sample size per chain = 10000 

1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
   plus standard error of the mean:

       Mean    SD Naive SE Time-series SE
mu[1] 120.0 1.735  0.01002        0.01002
mu[2] 150.5 1.735  0.01001        0.01001

2. Quantiles for each variable:

       2.5%   25%   50%   75% 97.5%
mu[1] 116.5 118.8 120.0 121.1 123.4
mu[2] 147.1 149.3 150.5 151.7 153.9

autocorr.plot(codaSamples2Groups1Prior, ask = F)

   mu[1]    mu[2] 
29965.46 30000.00 
Potential scale reduction factors:

      Point est. Upper C.I.
mu[1]          1          1
mu[2]          1          1

Multivariate psrf


Check estimated means.

matrix(unlist(lapply(codaSamples2Groups1Prior,function(z) apply(z,2,mean))),ncol=3)
         [,1]     [,2]     [,3]
[1,] 119.9629 119.9299 119.9627
[2,] 150.5279 150.4870 150.5058

Plot posterior densities.


Calculate HDIs for each chain.

lapply(codaSamples2Groups1Prior,function(z) hdi(as.matrix(z)))
         mu[1]    mu[2]
lower 116.6673 147.1416
upper 123.3728 153.8997
[1] 0.95

         mu[1]    mu[2]
lower 116.6291 146.9730
upper 123.4452 153.7687
[1] 0.95

         mu[1]    mu[2]
lower 116.7187 147.1051
upper 123.5352 153.9668
[1] 0.95

Find differences between \(\mu_1\) and \(\mu_2\).

chainDiffs <- lapply(codaSamples2Groups1Prior, function(z) z[,2]-z[,1])
lapply(chainDiffs, function(z) hdi(as.matrix(z)))
lower 25.68099
upper 35.32636
[1] 0.95

lower 25.63348
upper 35.25554
[1] 0.95

lower 25.55780
upper 35.19627
[1] 0.95

Find left 95% HDI boundaries for the chain differences and plot them.

(leftBounds<-unlist(lapply(chainDiffs,function(z) hdi(as.matrix(z))[1])))
[1] 25.68099 25.63348 25.55780

For the given sample and prior distribution mean values of the 2 groups are clearly different based on 95% HDI for all 3 chains.

Experimenting with prior hyperparameters

Repeat calculations with different prior hyperparameters.

To do that organize all steps of running MCMC with JAGS in a function runMCMC2Groups <- function(prMean, prSD, dat), where prMean and prSD are the the prior hyperparameters and dat is the data list.

Note that in order to pass arguments of the function to JAGS model description you need to append them to the data list:

runMCMC2Groups <- function(prMean, prSD, dat){
   model2NormalSamplesb = "
      model {
         for (i in 1:nSample){
         y[i] ~ dnorm(theta[s[i]], 1/25^2)
         for (sIdx in 1:nGr) {# Different thetas from same prior
            theta[sIdx] ~ dnorm(hypeMean,1/hypeSD^2) 
   " # close quote for modelString
writeLines(model2NormalSamplesb, con="data/TEMPmodel3.txt")
parameters = c("theta") # The parameters to be monitored
adaptSteps = 500        # Number of steps to adapt the samplers
burnInSteps = 500       # Number of steps to burn-in the chains
nChains = 3             # nChains should be 2 or more for diagnostics 
numSavedSteps <- 50000
nIter = ceiling(numSavedSteps/nChains )
hyper <- list(hypeMean = prMean, hypeSD=prSD)

# Create, initialize, and adapt the model:
jagsModel = jags.model("data/TEMPmodel3.txt", 
                       data = append(dat,hyper), 
                       inits = initsList, 
                       n.chains = nChains, 
                       n.adapt = adaptSteps)

update(jagsModel , n.iter=burnInSteps)
codaSamplesResult <- coda.samples(jagsModel, 
                                  variable.names = parameters, 
                                  n.iter = nIter)

Run: hypeMean=130; hypeSD=200

Run.130.200 <- runMCMC2Groups(130, 200, dataList)
Compiling model graph
   Resolving undeclared variables
   Allocating nodes
Graph information:
   Observed stochastic nodes: 400
   Unobserved stochastic nodes: 2
   Total graph size: 813

Initializing model
lapply(Run.130.200,function(z) apply(z, 2, mean))
theta[1] theta[2] 
120.5531 152.0436 

theta[1] theta[2] 
120.5736 152.0886 

theta[1] theta[2] 
120.5378 152.0711 
chainDiffs<-lapply(Run.130.200,function(z) z[,2]-z[,1])
lapply(chainDiffs,function(z) hdi(as.matrix(z)))
lower 26.66148
upper 36.45065
[1] 0.95

lower 26.49189
upper 36.27758
[1] 0.95

lower 26.75067
upper 36.52194
[1] 0.95

Run: hypeMean=130; hypeSD=0.2

Run.130.2<-runMCMC2Groups(130, .2, dataList)
Compiling model graph
   Resolving undeclared variables
   Allocating nodes
Graph information:
   Observed stochastic nodes: 400
   Unobserved stochastic nodes: 2
   Total graph size: 813

Initializing model
lapply(Run.130.2,function(z) apply(z,2,mean))
theta[1] theta[2] 
129.8797 130.2782 

theta[1] theta[2] 
129.8807 130.2812 

theta[1] theta[2] 
129.8832 130.2785 
chainDiffs <- lapply(Run.130.2, function(z) z[,2]-z[,1])
lapply(chainDiffs,function(z) hdi(as.matrix(z)))
lower -0.1498324
upper  0.9505163
[1] 0.95

lower -0.1391972
upper  0.9614988
[1] 0.95

lower -0.1693627
upper  0.9252938
[1] 0.95

Run: hypeMean=100; hypeSD=0.2

Run.100.2 <- runMCMC2Groups(100, .2, dataList)
Compiling model graph
   Resolving undeclared variables
   Allocating nodes
Graph information:
   Observed stochastic nodes: 400
   Unobserved stochastic nodes: 2
   Total graph size: 813

Initializing model
lapply(Run.100.2, function(z) apply(z,2,mean))
theta[1] theta[2] 
100.2627 100.6598 

theta[1] theta[2] 
100.2617 100.6603 

theta[1] theta[2] 
100.2594 100.6590 
chainDiffs <- lapply(Run.100.2, function(z) z[,2]-z[,1])
lapply(chainDiffs, function(z) hdi(as.matrix(z)))
lower -0.1525038
upper  0.9457228
[1] 0.95

lower -0.1577104
upper  0.9359693
[1] 0.95

lower -0.1635975
upper  0.9365602
[1] 0.95

Run: hypeMean=160; hypeSD=0.2

Run.170.2 <- runMCMC2Groups(170, .2, dataList)
Compiling model graph
   Resolving undeclared variables
   Allocating nodes
Graph information:
   Observed stochastic nodes: 400
   Unobserved stochastic nodes: 2
   Total graph size: 813

Initializing model
lapply(Run.170.2,function(z) apply(z,2,mean))
theta[1] theta[2] 
169.3763 169.7759 

theta[1] theta[2] 
169.3778 169.7718 

theta[1] theta[2] 
169.3746 169.7765 
chainDiffs <- lapply(Run.170.2, function(z) z[,2]-z[,1])
lapply(chainDiffs, function(z) hdi(as.matrix(z)))
lower -0.1519031
upper  0.9611009
[1] 0.95

lower -0.1523604
upper  0.9345152
[1] 0.95

lower -0.1489817
upper  0.9523275
[1] 0.95

Explain the results of running hierarchical model with different sets of hyperparameters:
- more informative hypeSD would lead to narrow the difference between 2 means
- with informative hypeSD, the poster would be mainly affected by the prior

FNP approach: ANOVA

Compare results with fixed effects ANOVA model.

             y s
[1,] 128.41478 1
[2,]  99.92492 1
[3,] 149.86236 1
[4,] 178.42914 1
[5,]  96.67612 1
[6,] 115.41590 1
mANOVA <- lm(y~as.factor(s),

lm(formula = y ~ as.factor(s), data =

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-71.077 -18.636   0.522  16.592  78.619 

              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)    120.558      1.782   67.65   <2e-16 ***
as.factor(s)2   31.515      2.520   12.51   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 25.2 on 398 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.2821,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.2803 
F-statistic: 156.4 on 1 and 398 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: y
              Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
as.factor(s)   1  99316   99316  156.37 < 2.2e-16 ***
Residuals    398 252793     635                      
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Further reading


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For attribution, please cite this work as

Nguyen (2022, Jan. 1). HaiBiostat: Series 2 of 10 -- MCMC for Estimation of Gaussian parameters. Retrieved from methods - Series 2 of 10/

BibTeX citation

  author = {Nguyen, Hai},
  title = {HaiBiostat: Series 2 of 10 -- MCMC for Estimation of Gaussian parameters},
  url = { methods - Series 2 of 10/},
  year = {2022}